How To Self-Publish A Children’s Book On Amazon

How To Self-Publish A Children's Book On Amazon

Self-publishing has become an increasingly popular option for aspiring authors, offering an accessible platform to share their creative works with the world. If you’re an author looking to self-publish a children’s book, Amazon provides an excellent opportunity to reach a wide audience. In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of self-publishing a children’s book on Amazon, from preparing your manuscript to marketing your book successfully.

Tips To Self-Publish A Children’s Book On Amazon

1- Preparing Your Manuscript

Before diving into the self-publishing process, it’s crucial to ensure your manuscript is polished and ready for publication. Here are the essential steps to consider:

Writing and Editing

Craft a captivating story that resonates with young readers. Focus on engaging characters, a compelling plot, and age-appropriate language. Edit your manuscript meticulously, checking for grammar, spelling, and overall coherence.


Children’s books often rely on illustrations to enhance the reading experience. Hire a professional illustrator or create your own captivating artwork that complements your story. Ensure the images are high-resolution and formatted correctly for print.

2- Formatting and Design

Once your manuscript and illustrations are ready, it’s time to format and design your children’s book for publication. Follow these steps:

Size and Layout

Determine the desired size and layout for your book. Consider standard options like 8×10 inches or select a size that suits your story and illustrations. Use software like Adobe InDesign or Microsoft Word to create your book layout.

Typesetting and Fonts

Choose legible fonts that are easy to read for young readers. Maintain consistency throughout the book and ensure proper spacing between lines and paragraphs.

Book Cover Design

Design an eye-catching cover that grabs attention and represents your story. Hire a professional designer or utilize Amazon’s cover creator tool for a visually appealing cover.

3- Self-Publishing on Amazon

Once your manuscript is prepared and formatted, follow these steps to self-publish your children’s book on Amazon:

Create an Amazon KDP Account

Visit the Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) website and sign up for an account. Provide necessary information like your name, email, and payment details.

Book Details

Enter the title, subtitle (if applicable), author name, and book description. Select appropriate categories and keywords that best describe your book. This helps potential readers find your book in relevant searches.


If you already have an ISBN, enter it during the publishing process. Otherwise, Amazon provides a free ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) for your eBook and print book.

Upload Your Manuscript and Illustrations

Upload your formatted manuscript as a PDF or eBook file. Ensure the file meets Amazon’s guidelines for print or eBook publishing. Upload the illustrations separately, ensuring they are of high quality.

Book Pricing and Royalties

Choose the pricing strategy for your book. Set a competitive price that balances affordability and profitability. Understand the royalty options and select the one that aligns with your goals.

Preview and Publish

Take advantage of Amazon’s preview feature to review your book before publishing. Ensure there are no formatting issues or errors. Once satisfied, click the publish button and make your book available to readers worldwide. If you’re looking for a book publishing company near me, Amazon’s self-publishing platform provides an accessible and convenient option to reach a wide audience.

4- Marketing Your Children’s Book

Publishing your book is just the beginning. Effective marketing is essential for reaching your target audience and boosting sales. Consider the following strategies:

Author Website and Social Media

Create an author website to showcase your work and engage with readers. Utilize social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to build an online presence and share updates about your book.

Book Launch and Promotions

Organize a book launch event to generate excitement and interest. Invite friends, family, and local community members to celebrate the release of your children’s book. Consider partnering with local bookstores, libraries, or schools to host the event and reach a wider audience. Plan engaging activities such as reading excerpts, interactive games, or arts and crafts related to your book’s theme.

Online Presence and Reviews

Harness the power of online platforms to promote your book. Create a dedicated author page on Amazon’s Author Central and encourage readers to leave reviews. Positive reviews can greatly influence potential buyers. Utilize Goodreads, a popular platform for book enthusiasts, to engage with readers and participate in relevant groups and discussions.

Bloggers and Influencers

Reach out to parenting bloggers, book reviewers, and influencers specializing in children’s literature. Offer them a complimentary copy of your book in exchange for an honest review or feature on their platforms. Their recommendations can significantly boost the visibility and credibility of your book.

School Visits and Reading Events

Contact local schools and libraries to arrange author visits and reading events. Share your book with students through interactive readings, discussions, and activities. Offer special discounts for bulk purchases to encourage schools to include your book in their libraries or curriculum.

Book Awards and Contests

Submit your children’s book to relevant book awards and contests. Recognition from reputable organizations can garner attention and increase your book’s credibility. Winning or being shortlisted for an award can lead to media coverage and attract more readers.

Book Trailers and Visual Content

Create a captivating book trailer or promotional video to showcase your book. Use visually appealing graphics, animations, and voiceovers to engage potential readers. Share the video on social media platforms, your website, and video-sharing platforms like YouTube to expand your reach.

Collaborations and Cross-Promotion

Collaborate with other authors, illustrators, or organizations in the children’s book industry. Cross-promote each other’s work through guest blog posts, joint events, or social media shoutouts. By leveraging each other’s networks, you can reach a broader audience and generate mutual support.


Self-publishing a children’s book on Amazon offers authors the opportunity to share their stories with a global audience. By following the steps outlined in this article, from preparing your manuscript to marketing your book effectively, you can successfully navigate the self-publishing process. Remember to invest time in creating a high-quality book, utilize Amazon’s self-publishing tools, and implement a comprehensive marketing strategy to maximize your book’s visibility. With determination, creativity, and persistence, your children’s book can captivate young readers and make a positive impact in the literary world.

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